Happy Birthday, Reed!

Our littlest guy is now a whole year old! It was touch and go for a few (9) months there, but we made it! Our first 3 months were full of noisy baby breathing and projectile vomit (as well as cosleeping and lots of amazing cuddles). Months 3-6 were all about the boob, as he could finally eat and gain weight. 48th -> 90th percentiles between the 3 and 6 month check! Months 6-9 were all about mobility, with his goofy crawl at 7mos (https://youtu.be/xRnXlYtx7_c), pulling up at 7.5 mos, and cruising at about 8.5mos. Months 9-12 have been about eating and communicating, with solids not taking hold until around 9mos, his first signs (all done and more at about 11mos), and his first word (“dog” at about 11mos).

He’s standing and balancing now, and I expect his first steps in the next few weeks. Really, I can wait. Reed can’t. He’s been super frustrated and practicing a lot. Hopefully he sorts it out soon!

We are so in love with our little family, and listening to the boys play is probably my favorite thing in the entire world. The Weed, our Tiny German Man (DA! DA! DAAAA!), Mayhem, our little Agent of Entropy, The Goob, Stinker, The Terrorist. His knicknames speak to his curiosity, stubbornness, bossiness, intensity, and his love for deconstruction/destruction. Β He is a piece of work, and he loves his family like I’ve never seen before. His whole face lights up when he sees Grey, Daddy, Mama, and Zephyr. It’s absolutely amazing, and I know all of his qualities now will serve him so well in the future. This boy. I wouldn’t trade him for the world, and he knows it. He tests the theory most days. =)




11mos and Goodbye to Uncle Scotty

We have had the best week! Scott “passed through” NH “on his way” back to AZ from Virginia. Talk about an enormous undertaking. The drive home is going to be a solid 40hrs.

Anyway, we had a blast. We did the beach several times, played with evelyn, went to heather’s house, got Grey a big boy bed, baked a lot of cupcakes,  invented the ultimate trail dessert, celebrated the 4th of July, saw the Bunkers for a few hours on Sunday… And more, I’m sure. Scott and I also hiked our first two 4k footers (both in one day!) and did a full moon hike up rattlesnake mtn to see the fireworks from above on July 3rd. In the summer here, fireworks can be seen and heard all through most weekend nights.

Also, Reed picked up his first word (dog) and his first two signs(“more” and “all done”)! The signing is still sporadic but he’s getting the hang of the idea, which is the main hurdle. When asked, he will look for people and smile when he finds them.  He’s cruising one handed, lets go to grab nearby furniture, and walks behind stuff that he’s pushing (he prefers a laundry basket to a walker). His third and fourth bottom teeth have finally popped through, I believe. Teething is not a fun or even neutral experience for this guy.

He’s eating well now. Loves string cheese, beans, and rice. He’s mostly figured out sippy cups, absolutely loves being swung around in the lake and tossed into the air. Luke and I actually toss him to each other and that is the ultimate experience.

Grey is doing so well! He loves daycare now that reed goes with him. They’re in different rooms but do see each other throughout the day. Grey is a master conversationalist these days and will corner anyone for a lengthy discussion. It’s adorable, but tiring. He was drawn in the lottery for the local preschool as well! He’ll be going Wed and Friday for a few hours in the morning. He’s going to love it.








Tattoos and Dogs.

Uncle Scotty is in town… And making a good impression! πŸ˜€

I want a REAL tattoo!: https://youtu.be/hlbq-lHsdF0

First word!: https://youtu.be/ukAPmrBAJqk

This kid.

Cheeser: https://youtu.be/FLkFUrjUbfs

Creeper: https://youtu.be/D7dLcv1TO1o

His activities this morning include making videos to text to his girl, evelyn.

Our first ocean day!

Gallery: http://smu.gs/1G9ySQR

Watch “Mom needs feeding lessons.” on YouTube

Mom needs feeding lessons.: https://youtu.be/0RjixcVKIA0

3 year video

3 years old!: https://youtu.be/09Sio-mcRM0

So BIG!: https://youtu.be/yKPdsq9zz5w

5 speckled frogs: https://youtu.be/L4RSBcK2XLI

Luke’s new tractor: https://youtu.be/9rQS6wh7ZW8


Reed and hazel


Peeing outside on your own is super fun.


Clearing weeds from the garden bed to get ready for planting!


Grey and evelyn

Another great day in the garden and at the farm! Grey is jumping off of everything that has grass or padding below. πŸ™‚ Reed is such a wonderful little stinker. This summer is amazing and it’s not even technically summer yet!

New Photo Site

I’ve been having a hard time getting all my pictures up on the blog- it’s not an easy or straightforward process. So I’ve started a SmugMug account.

Take a peek if you have some time. Another about SmugMug is that you can order high quality prints straight from the site. you know, in case you want to plaster your wall with my adorable babies. πŸ˜‰


Some Random Videos

We are at the point now where solids are necessary! I love it!
Reed is finally eating with purpose!: https://youtu.be/xhniYJbwQPc

This one was before the first- he’s finally making great progress!
Feeding the Weed: https://youtu.be/VvQrxvzQbNk

Towers: https://youtu.be/wZ9vf0y1dAY

Feral kids: https://youtu.be/Ahjt0iuEuEU

Raspberries: https://youtu.be/MQUZ-FBkfO0




Happy Easter!

Easter for us isn’t a big deal, but we had a good time this morning with an in-house easter egg hunt and basket dig.

“Open it. ”


The joys of having a 240 year old house: lots of fun hidey holes.


Not impressed with the chocolate bunny.


And a few from the last week or so:

Our little dukey


Sharing a muffin



Nap hair


G was such a big boy at the dentist!

